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Hales Meadow Car Park
Authorised motorhome parking day or night - no services

Satnav Quick Search ID: S33548S
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom, OX14 3NN
Open from Jan to Dec
This car park is open 24 hours a day and chargeable seven days a week (including Bank Holidays) from 8am until 6pm. A valid ticket must be displayed at all times during the charging period - including the free one hour.
There is an adjacent toilet (20p) also available 24/7, a debit card is required to open the door.
There is an adjacent toilet (20p) also available 24/7, a debit card is required to open the door.
Parking Charges:
MOTORHOMES - £10 for up to 24hrs
Maximum stay 3 days
press the hash key to enter the motorhome parking tarrif
Disabled badge holders can park free of charge (unlimited time limit), providing they display their badge correctly. If all disabled bays are full then a standard bay may be used.
MOTORHOMES - £10 for up to 24hrs
Maximum stay 3 days
press the hash key to enter the motorhome parking tarrif
Disabled badge holders can park free of charge (unlimited time limit), providing they display their badge correctly. If all disabled bays are full then a standard bay may be used.
Some road noise.
Subject to flooding in Winter
Max 3.5ton
Subject to flooding in Winter
Max 3.5ton



51m above sea level
Unit types accepted
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