Click the edit icon next to each field to update your details
My Social Pages
Here you can list links to all your own social media pages. The links will be visible on your public profile
Click the external link icon to folllow the links
My Travel Profile and Unit Details
Click the photo to change your unit image
You travel as:
Select the profile which matches closest to the type of group you generally travel as
You travel in:
Select the icon which matches your unit closest and enter a few details the make and model of your unit
This field is required
Please add the name of the manufacturer of your unit
The name of the manufacturer of your unit
This field is required
This field is required
Unit length [m]:
The maximum length of your unit in meters. Enter a number between 0 and 15m
How will this info be used?
At present this info is for your own record but could be used in the future to help show you sites and routes suitable for the length of your vehicle
Gross vehicle weight [kg]:
The gross vehicle weight of your vehicle is the maximum weight your motorhome is allowed to carry including ALL passengers and equipment
How is this info used?
At present this info is for your own record but could be used in the future to help show you sites and routes suitable for the weight of your vehicle
My Added Content
Click the link icon next to each field to view your added content
You have added 0 reviews
You have added 0 photos
You have created 0 lists
You have created 0 routes
My App Account Details
It looks like you haven't yet checked out the searchforsites mobile app yet
It is available in both the Apple App Store for mobile iOS devices and Google Play Store for Android devices
Amend user name
Your username must be a combination of letters and or numbers only - no spaces or special characters such as & ? ! @ etc) and be between 4 and 20 characters long
Here you can list links to all your own social media pages. The links will be visible on your public profile
Click the external link icon to folllow the links